Saturday 16 January 2016


An unwanted Guest always knocking at the door of your heart, knocking at the wrong time when you feel the need to act the best way you want, when you feel the need to satisfy your emotion and desires. A voice so still, soft and gentle but speaks so harshly to stop you from walking out of range.
Most times you felt like not wanting to hear this voice which speaks contrary to your opinion, you wish you could be left alone by this voice even for just a moment so you can satisfy your angst and prove to your offenders you're not stupid, you wish you could prove your bravery and put the wicked in their rightful place.
There are times you had strategized in your imagination a perfect way to take revenge, a perfect plan to deal with offenders, you waited patiently for that perfect time only for that Little Voice to surface, telling you: Peace Be Still.

Sometimes you worked hard to raise some fund for a project, believing God to help with some certain amount to add to what you had; Suddenly appeared someone with an urgent and more crucial need which is half or one-third of what you've raised, and this Still Voice so unfair, asking you to sacrifice from the little with you; and then you give it out with a smile on your face but your heart is like: Why will you come to me at this time?
In anger, you thought this still voice as unfair and unpleasant to hear.
Not everyone is privilege to hear this voice, not everyone understands when it speaks except the Special's. You are Special to hear the Voice of Sacrifice urging you to let go so you don't get your honour soiled by mere fantasies. Even when you murmur to obey this voice, deep inside you is a smile of gratitude for guiding you and making you defend your virtue to mankind.

Those times you thought yourself as weak, you were actually brave. It takes bravery to pay the price of sacrifice which is most difficult; For every Sacrifice is a Crown. You are brave because you conquered the expectation of those who provoked your anger and waited to see your fierce reaction; You conquered those many thoughts flashing through your mind giving you thousand reasons why you must compromise; You conquered by suppressing your frowns with your precious Smile; You conquered the barrier and test to trample upon your honour.

Just listen, listen to that Little Still Voice... the voice of the Master... saying: Peace Be Still.

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